Our Mission here at RUFF HAUS K9:
To provide the best mixture of care, love, and service to your pet as we would expect for our very own.
Email Us: rikki@ruffhausk9.com Phone Us: 631-925-8041

From back in my days as a K9 Officer for New York City to my current occupation as a dog trainer, I wouldn't for a minute trade what I do for any other profession on earth. Each of my canine 'clients', from the cutest to the biggest of them all, spend a lot of time in my heart before moving on to a happier and less chaotic life at
Welcome to RuffHausK9.com
Where Canine Behavior Modification and Obedience Training Begin.

home. I like to think that the success of all the training and behavioral modification contributes to the enhancement of your love for your dog and makes your lives together a happier one. On this page I will show you all that goes into a variety of training packages I offer to make all of this possible. And you will realize, that just
because of the big support role you play in all this, your feeling of satisfaction of a job well done will be equal to mine. When graduation day rolls around, you're going to see your dog in
a different light, ready to delight you with all they have learned and all the joy they will bring
for the rest of your times spent together.
From New York City K9 Duty to Training Your Dog to be the best they can be
Rikki Fontana continues to display an innate connection to every canine passing through Ruff Haus K9.
Let's take a look at what you can expect from Ruff Haus K9 overall.
As Professional Dog Trainers, why we use the safe and effective E-Collar in our Training.
The popularity of the E-Collar among professional dog trainers comes from it’s wide range of stimulation levels that adjust to the trainer’s (and dog's) individual needs. We begin with no stimulation as the dog gets used to wearing the collar, but because no two dogs have the exact same temperament, we’re able to make subtle adjustments for each when necessary. Puppy Kindergarten training, including puppy potty training, service dog training, positive reinforcement, dog separation anxiety, off leash K9 training, crate training, agility training, clicker training, dog heel, hand signals, dog obedience, positive reinforcement and more are all more achievable goals when adding the use of the E collar in combination with the skill of an experienced trainer. We always elect to set our E collars to the most humane settings with the least discomfort, because our experience teaches us that low level stimulation has a rather calming effect. Read all of our reviews and you’ll learn that we love your dog as you do, and it shows every time.

Why being in the Dog House at Ruff Haus K9 is a very good spot to be in.
You might have heard about our Boarding facilities, but have you actually seen them?
You're in for a welcome surprise that may make you want to book
a much longer stay. Click here.
Click Anywhere on this image to read, print, or download your
7-Page Program Guide
Want to know the ingredients that contribute to
our recipe for success?
Download this Free 7-Page Program Guide
right here, right now
and get acquainted with the best dog training and boarding in the entire tri-state area!